Unlock the pattern of Android mobiles/tablet

Android is a generally secure OS, although it occasionally falls victim to being open source. That’s the problem with giving people the keys to the kingdom. Sometimes they do things that they don’t like.

There are 3 methods to unlock the forgotten pattern.
Note: No Rooting required but its better that the device is rooted.

Method 1:  

1. First connect your phone to PC via USB cable (USB debugging need to be enabled in your Android phone).

2. Type or copy paste below commands in CMD

adb shell
cd /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases
sqlite3 settings.db
update system set value=0 where name='lock_pattern_autolock';
update system set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently';

3. All the above commands must type in the separate line, to make sure press enter after typing each line.

4. Reboot you phone.

On next reboot, you will see pattern lock so don't worry, you'll be able to draw new pattern lock for your device whatever pattern you like. 

Method 2:

1. Same like method 1, connect your phone to PC via USB cable and (USB debugging need to be enabled in your Android phone).

2. Type or copy paste below commands in CMD

adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key

3. Reboot.

Thats it. 

Method 3:

1.Download this Desktop Software by Clicking HERE .

2. Extract and install on your computer.

3. Connect your phone device.

4. Open Pattern unlocker application and locate your device.

5. Finally click on Unlock button. Done! Hope your pattern has gone. and this is not virus .check

I hope you have enjoyed Unlocking the pattern..

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