Source Code for Linux Kernel used in Google Glass released


the Google Glass team released the Linux Kernel source code that was applied and utilized in the Android based device. Available on the website,, the code is available for developers and other users who had access to the first batch of the Google Glass prototype.
Source Code for Linux Kernel Used in Google Glass Released
Although the Linux Kernel code has been released on Google’s own servers, it is believed that it will soon be moved and housed on a git server. Google itself can be quoted on this matter, stating that“This is unlikely to be the permanent home for the kernel source, it should be pushed into git next to all other Android kernel source releases relatively soon.”
However, there are a few things to be noted and paid attention to in this scenario. One main overlooked feature is that the release of the Linux Kernel source code in no way indicates that all of the source code utilized or linked with Google Glass has been made available. Android code is usually broken down into two parts and each part is released slowly. Nonetheless, this ensures that no variations or new glasses can be made available in the market based on the Linux Kernel source code alone.

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